
DIY: Decoupage

you will need:
-plastic camera or any other object that you want to decorate
-acrylic paint
-decoupage medium (glue)
-painting brush
-quality napkins with fancy prints
-steady hand & lots of patience

1. Make sure the item you are going to decoupage is clean and dry. Paint your item in white, ivory or beige. I used acrylic paint in ivory. Wait until the paint is completely dry.

2. Prepare the napkin(s) you are going to use. Napkins usually have 2 or 3 layers, so you should separate them, and only use the printed layer. You can cut out motives, and than arrange it in your own order, or cover the whole object with one piece (which is not recommended if you are decorating a big surface).

3. Arrange the motives onto the item you are decoupaging before you add glue until you like the way they look. The motives can be in any placement you like and can also overlap.

4. Working in a small section at a time, apply a generous layer of decoupage medium (glue) onto the item you are decoupaging. Make sure you completely cover any area the picture will touch. If you prefer, you can spread the medium onto the back of the picture.

5. Stick the picture on the decoupage medium. Use your finger to gently push down the picture (for a large picture, start from the center and work your way out) and push out any wrinkles and excess medium.

6. Repeat step 5 for every motive you want to decorate your item with.

7. Once the medium is dry, coat your item completely with the decoupage medium. Let this dry.

8. Now, you can continue to add coats of the medium until you get the desired results. You will, however, want to keep adding coats until the edges of the pictures are all smooth.

9. When it's completely dry, you can lacquer so you can wash your item if necessary, plus it looks better and you'll be sure the decoration won't get damaged.

That's it, hope you'll find this interesting! ♥

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  1. Jao sto je super! Bas, bas dobro izgleda.


  2. apsolutno predivno - i ko onda zeli da kupuje razne nove Diane, Holge i sl., kada ovo zove na DIY!? :))))


  3. Ovo je presavršeno, imam jedan divan stari fotić, baš bi mogla probati! :) sjajn a ideja! :) <3

  4. Prelepa je!


  5. So cool. Thanks for sharing.


  6. E sada si me inspirisala! Divan je fotoaparat :)

  7. The result are amzing!!!

    Love the idea.

    You have a new follower, hope you like my blog so we can follow each other!


  8. Kreativna si kao i uvek, bas je lep fotos :)


  9. omg that looks so cool, awesome DIY <3

    x Daisy

    The Mandarine Girl

  10. Wow, bravo. Ja ovo ni u ludilu ne bih umela, ali tebi je sjajno ispalo!

  11. Predobro, svaka čast! :D


  12. kod tebe uvek nesto zanimljivo :)))

  13. Draga Aleksandra, gde si uzela taj lepak i salvete i koliko su bili ako nije tajna..
    Inace, htela sam da nabavim neki analogni aparat, pa da li ima neki koji mi preporucujes? Ja sam u dilemi jer nisam sigurna da li cu moci da nadjem film za svaki..Pozdrav, Sanja. :*

    1. Zdravo Sanja, nije nikakva tajna, lepak je oko 800 din, bocica od 250ml, a salvete su po tridesetak din komad, sve sam to kupila u Destefiku na Tosinom bunaru :)
      Sto se analogije tice, ja od srca preporucujem Zenit E (ili ES ET, nema neke razlike), ili ako te zanima lomografija mozes nabaviti Lomo LC A ili Dianu, al to su vec malo skuplje varijante, jer se kupuju novi uglavnom... a film kupujes onaj standardni, koji se koristio do pre desetak godina, vecina starih analogaca koristi taj :)

  14. Omg! I have to try this on my digital!

  15. Cenim da je bilo pipavo ali je rezultat nikad bolji :) Inace u onu listu fotoaparata bi dodao i zenit ttl ako nemas nista protiv, to je onaj sa znakom olimpijade :)
