
workweek outfits

ph. me

Ever since I started working, I developed one useful habit - preparing my outfit the night before. Sometimes I even plan my outfits a few days in advance. It saves time (and nerves) in the morning and you have more time to enjoy your coffee & breakfast peacefully. Also, whenever I put together an outfit early in the morning, in a rush, I end up looking like a homeless schizophrenic, and that is one more reason to prepare my clothes the night before.
Anyway, I came up with the idea to start a new column in order to inspire you for the upcoming workweek. The plan is to publish a couple of outfits like this every Sunday. Also, whenever it is possible, I'll take proper outfit photos.
Hope you like this novelty, and if you have another suggestion on what you'd like to see/read here, let me know! 
Enjoy the rest of this beautiful Sunday!

Outfit 1 - faux leather pants - H&M; blazer - Zara; shirt - Stradivarius; shoes - Peacocks
Outfit 2 - shirt, pants and blazer - Zara; sunglasses - RayBan; shoes - Peacocks
Outfit 3 - skirt, t-shirt and shoes - Zara; earrings - H&M; watch - vintage


  1. Super ideja! Ja to nikad ne radim a trebala bih. Uvijek se oblacim ujutro i uvijek kasnim na posao :)

    1. Zgodna navika, jedino sto se gubi onaj momenat gde se oblacis 'prema raspolozenju' :)

  2. Divno, ja sam pokusala i nije uspelo..svako jutro bih menjala nesto, pa jos nesto i na kraju potpuno drugacije ispadne od prvobitne ideje pa sam odlucila da prestanem

    1. Ja rano ujutru ne znam kako se zovem, zato mi i odgovara ovako, sto manje mozganja sta obuci :)

  3. wonderful outfit details! i love these pictures- good style!
    happy sunday!
    Maren Anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  4. Suuuper! Ideja, kombinacije i smisao za humor, sve supeeer. :D

  5. Super ideja za post :))
    Inace, to radim stalno. Ako ne pripremim komb. prethodno vece i oblacim se u zurbi to uvek bude nesto jako dosadno, dzemper + farke i sve basic, jer ujutru se ne rizikuje :) Suknja sa poslednje slike <3

    1. Razumemo se u potpunosti ;) slazem se, ujutru nije za rizikovati :)
