

It's been a very very long time since my last update, and I never abandoned my blog for this long ever before but for the first time I don't feel guilty. First of all, last two weeks of 2013 I was hell sick and couldn't even get out of my bed so taking pictures and posting was not an option. Later on, I had a lot of thinking to do, lots of planning because 2014 is going to be one busy year so I had to set some things in my head and prepare myself for what's to come.

I didn't want to do the recap of 2013, even though it was a life-changing year for me. The reason is, the biggest changes were of private nature and fashion blog is not really a place to share them. All I'll say is I grew up a lot, I came to really know myself and I've learned a lot. A LOT. But let's focus on what's ahead. Susan Miller says this will be a year of changes for Leos [yes, I do read horoscope on a regular basis], and I have no reason to doubt that because it's been clear to me for some time now. In two weeks I'll start working full time as an economist, and besides that I still have to graduate (hopefully until October) because there's one bottle of vodka impatiently waiting for that to happen. Also, I'm still in Plezir Magazin as a photographer, and I'll keep running this blog. In the meantime, maybe I'll find time to sleep eat and see people I love.

As for the blog, you can expect a more raw, organic and genuine content - and by that I mean that I will not put myself in the box and put other people's opinion before being myself. And I'll try to post as often as possible. 

You see, it's going to be one hell of a year, and I don't want to spill inspirational crap here, I'll just say that the time has come to work my ass off. Like seriously. And I mean business. My dreams are waiting for me. Let's make 2014 a year to remember! Cheers!


  1. Koliko god da imala obaveza nemoj odustajati od bloga, ti to sjajno radis! :) Bar zbog nas koji te pratimo jako jako dugo vremena. Srecno sa poslom i zavrsavanjem fakulteta i svime sto te ceka :*

  2. Posetite nasu stranicu! :D

  3. Good for you be true to yourself, I know sometimes is hard. My first time in your blog, great x
